Death Aid


  -Married Member including spouse, children (below 18 years old) and parents.
  -Single Member including parents.
  -Single Member without parents (at the time of membership), maximum of 2.
  -Brother or Sister.
  -Single Parent.
   a) Parents and child and 1 sibling.
   b) Parents and if more than 1 child, no more sibling.>


  -Member – P100.00 per death.
  -Beneficiaries – P25.00 per death.


  -Member – P100 x total active members (at least 6 months’ probationary period).
  -Beneficiaries – 25 x total active members (at least 6 months’ probationary period).


  -Six months after probationary period.

Definitions of Beneficiaries

Is the same definition covered in Death Aid:
  1.) Legitimate/illegitimate children.
  2.) Legal spouse.
  3.) Parents.
  4.) Brothers and sisters for members who are still single. For married members, brothers and sisters are excluded.

Documentary Requirements

  a. Copy of Death Certificate.
  b. Proof of Affinity if married like Marriage contract or Proof of consanguinity, if single like birth certificate(s).
  c. ID of the Claimant.

Duration of claims

  -Death aid claim period should be done within (30) thirty days after death of the member/beneficiary.


  1. Submission of complete documentary requirements to the Accounting Department of XUCCCO.
  2. The accounting department will:
   a. Check if documents are completely submitted.
   b. Issue check and secure approval from the manager and check signatories.
   c. Text informing that check is ready for release.
   d. Release the claims.

Pabaon to the Retiree

Documentary Requirements

  a. Letter – Application of Pabaon to the Retiree Program.
  b. Proof of Retirement from XUCCCO or it's affiliates


Pabaon to the Retiree Program will be released when:
  a. Must submit the documentary requirements.
  b. No more loans at XUCCCO.
  c. The amount received will be based on above policy.