Mandatory Savings Wallet


  • Five hundred pesos (P500) will be deducted for every loan transaction of All Occasion loan, 1% of Amount borrowed for Emergency loan and 0.05% for Regular loan.
  • Earn up to 2.80% interest rate per annum, TAX FREE.
  • Withdrawal upon termination of membership.

Season’s Savings Deposit


  • Seasons Deposit is 10% of the net proceeds will be deducted from Season’s Credit loan, and will be credited to savings deposit-seasons.
  • Earn up to 2.80% interest rate per annum, TAX FREE.
  • Withdrawal upon termination of membership.

Regular Savings Deposit


  • Start for as low as P100 only.
  • Earn up to 2.80% interest rate per annum.
  • Only P300 maintaining balance, can be withdrawn anytime.
  • Offers a higher interest rate compared to banks and other business institution with no withholding tax charged.

Share capital


To become a full-pledge member, paid the required minimum share capital of Sixty thousand pesos (P6,000) for regular member, Five thousand pesos (P5,000) for associate member, initial savings deposit of One hundred pesos (P100), membership fee of One hundred fifty pesos (P150)


Share capital shall be issued to members provided that each member shall not own more than ten (10) percent of the total share capital of the cooperative.

Interest on Share Capital and Patronage Refund

  Allocation - At the end of its fiscal year, the Cooperative shall allocate and distribute its net surplus as follows:

  Reserve Fund. Not less than TEN percent (10%) shall be set aside for Reserve Fund.

  Education and Training Fund. Not more than TEN percent (10%) shall be set aside for Education and Training Fund.

  Community Development Fund. Not less than THREE percent (3%) shall be used for projects and activities that will benefit the community where the cooperative operates.

  Optional Fund. Not more than SEVEN percent ( 7%) shall be set aside for Optional Fund for land and building, and any other necessary fund.

  The remaining net surplus shall be made available to the members in the form of interest on share capital not to exceed the normal rate of return on investment and patronage refunds.

The rate will be determined and approved by the Board of Directors, based on the current year’s audited net surplus and will be credited to member’s savings deposit at least a week before the General Assembly. The interest is TAX FREE.

Time Deposit


  • Start for as low as P1,00 only.
  • Earn up to 3% interest rate per annum 30 days’ term and 3.5% interest per annum lock in 1 year.
  • Certificate of Time deposit will be issued.
  • Interest can be automatic credited to your savings deposit or will be rolled over.
  • Tax Free.

Ateneo Youth Savers (AYOS) Laboratory Cooperative


  AYOS is a Laboratory Cooperative affiliated with duly registered cooperative to Xavier University Community Credit Cooperative (XUCCCO) as the Guardian Cooperative. Composed of individuals who are minors’ students of Xavier University and other affiliated schools.

Purpose of Laboratory Cooperatives

  1. To serve as a training ground for its members to prepare them for membership in regular cooperatives;
  2. To teach the values of thrift and savings mobilization among its members;
  3. To instill cooperative values, principles, financial discipline, business skills and leadership skills among its members;
  4. To promote and advocate Filipino social cultural values, financial education, ecological awareness and sustainable development.

Requirements for Membership

A member must have complied with the following requirements:

  1. Approved application for membership;
  2. Must be at least 4 years old and not over eighteen (18) years of age;
  3. Certificate of Attendance of the Cooperative Orientation Seminar;
  4. Must secure the consent of his/her parents or guardian to join the laboratory cooperative;
  5. Paid the required minimum share capital in the amount of One hundred pesos (P100), membership fee One Hundred Fifty pesos (P150) initial savings deposit of One hundred pesos (P100);

Minimum Share Capital Requirement

  An applicant for membership shall pay the amount of at least One hundred pesos (P100) upon approval of his/her membership.