• Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM (No Lunch Break).
  • Saturday 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Regular members

  • Shall include all regular and probationary employees of XU and its affiliate units such as Xavier Science Foundation (XSF), Research Institute for Mindanao Culture (RIMCU), Xavier University Community Multi-Purpose Cooperative (XUCMPC) and Loyola House and retirees of Xavier University.

Associate Member A

  • Composed of alumni of Xavier University.

Associate Member E

  • Composed of relatives of the Regular, Associate A and S members aged 18 years old and above.
  • Relatives are defined as: spouse, children, siblings (and their spouses – if applicable, and/or their children), and parents (natural and in-laws.)
  • Parent of student of XU

Associate Member S

  • Composed of student 18 years old and above.

Ateneo Youth Savers

  • Student ages 4 year to below 18 years old


Rate                                                                                      10.5%
Term                                                                                     5 Years
# of installments                                                                120(5x24)
Principal                                                                            P100,000

Use your Microsoft excel
= PMT(Rate/24,term,Principal)x-1

Answer: 1,072.92