Xavier University Community Credit Cooperative
By Jessica D. Salon

In 1985, Fr. Ernesto O. Javier, S.J., then Xavier University President, saw the need for an organization that would help the university employees meet their financial needs without borrowing from usurers or resorting to frequent cash advances. He proposed to set-up the “XU Employees Fund” into which the community could pool their savings together and thereby help one another avail of loans in times of need. He requested Dr. Anselmo B. Mercado to draft a concept paper for this.

In 1986, a Committee was formed and drafted the rules and regulations of XU Employees Fund. The members of said committee were: Dr. Anselmo B. Mercado, Fr. Ernesto O. Javier, S.J. Mr. Rico Quilab, Mrs. Carol S. Tandog, Mrs. Ana Maria Y. Villaranda, Mrs. Lolita Cañizares, Miss Lumen Teodoro, Dr. Agustin Cabrera, Mrs. Rose Racines, Mrs. Henie B. Paylangco, Mrs. Bern Geveso, and Mrs. Annabelle Acedera.

On September 4, 1987 Fr. Ernesto O. Javier, S.J. happily announced that the XU Employees Fund was ready to start with its three-fold objectives, namely: a) to encourage the virtue of thrift among members; b) to extend loan facilities; and c) to give mutual assistance and aid to the members of the FUND.

Thus, the Xavier University Community Savings and Loan Fund (XUCSLF), briefly known as the “The Fund” was born with a seed capital of P50,000 donated by Xavier University (P30,000) and XU Parents and Faculty Association (P20, 000).

In the beginning, “The Fund” had 116 members composed of XU employees from the Grade School, High School, College Faculty, Library Staff, Office Staff, Janitorial, Maintenance and Security groups. Other Non-XU Employees belonging to XU-related organizations like the RIMCU, Canteen, MILAMDEC, and Xavier Science Foundation were eventually accepted as members.

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Atty. Florentino Dumlao, Jr. was formally elected as the first president of XUCSLF with the following officers: Dr. Anselmo B. Mercado, Mrs. Bernadette Geveso, Mrs. Magdalena Cabaraban, Mr. Jacinto Alingasa, Mr. Charles Culanag, Mrs. Teresa Roa, Dr. Agustin Cabrera, Mr. Rogelio Yeban, Engr. Eduardo Llosa, Mrs Ana Maria Villaranda.

Mrs. Ma. Teresa Roa, was appointed as the first manager, to Managed “The Fund”.

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A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed between Xavier University (represented by Fr. Javier) and XUCSLF (represented by Atty. Dumlao) on January 29, 1988 regarding the commitment of Xavier University to course through payroll deduction at the Finance Office the capital contribution, savings and loan payments of members of “The Fund”. Such MOA provided further that in the event a member resigns or retires from the University, the latter shall facilitate the collection of the amount such member owes from XUCSLF. A similar MOA was eventually signed between The Fund and RIMCU, Xavier Science Foundation, Canteen, and much later with MILAMDEC.

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Dr. Anselmo B. Mercado was elected as second President of XUCSLF.

  • In February 24, 1990, The General Assembly voted upon and adopted the Code of By-Laws of XUCCCO.
  • Members applying for housing deposited to XUCSLF P5,000 Commitment fee per member for University Housing Project.

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“The Fund” applied for a cooperative status with the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA). The application was approved on April 12, 1991 with the name: Xavier University Community Credit Cooperative (XUCCCO) with registration number 033-CGY.

  • XUCCCO logo designed by Mr. Rafael Palo, with the slogan: “Unity, Strength and Growth” was formally adopted.

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Ms. Lovenia P. Naces was elected as Third Chairperson of the Board of Directors.

  • XUCCCO was certified by PFCCO on May 30, 1992 as a fullfledged member of the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) and the Asian Confederation of Credit Unions (ACCU) with official affiliation number 515-NM-CC.

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The request of XUCCCO to have a permanent office at the 2nd floor of the Lucas Hall Building was granted by Fr. Ben Nebres, S.J., then President of Xavier University.

  • Chairman Lovenia Naces was elected as a member of the PFCCO National Council (Council member at-large4).
  • The General Assembly approved the increase for Regular Loans from P15,000 to P18,000 and for Petty Cash Loans from P600 to P1,000.

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Mr. Mario D. Ayudtud was elected as Fourth Chairman of the Board of Directors of XUCCCO.

The computerization committee, which negotiated for the hardware and program, customized for XUCCCO was headed by Dr. Imelda Pagtolun-an. Other members were Anselmo Mercado, Lovenia Naces, and Edgardo Palasan. 4 A Council member-at-large, unlike the Regional Representatives who are elected in the regional level, represents the PFCCO members regardless of region, therefore, such officers (there are two slots in the Council reserved for them) are elected by the General Assembly in the national level.

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XUCCCO was registered as PAG-IBIG Fund member.

  • Extended the Light and Water installation loans (P2,500) per loan for Xavier heights housing beneficiaries payable within 6 months. The loan fund for this purpose came from a soft loan (worth P100, 000 which was later increased to P150, 000) extended by Xavier University to XUCCCO.

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Mr. Jaime J. Lachica was elected as Fifth Chairman of the Board of Directors of XUCCCO.

  • XUCCCO converted its In-house Insurance Program to the Cooperative Insurance System of the Philippines (CISP).
  • XUCCCO became affiliated with the Cagayan de Oro Cooperative Development Council.

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United Coconut Planters Bank-Coconut Industry Investment Fund (UCPB-CIIF) Foundation, Inc. accredited XUCCCO as a qualified conduit for cooperative members with an initial credit line of P500,000. XUCCCO, however, does not yet feel the need to avail of this credit line.

  • XUCCCO was granted a P300,000 loan by PFCCO at 10% interest rate per annum and 1-% service charge.

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  • The 1998 General Assembly approved the following:
    • - To increase the authorized capital from 1 to 50 million pesos;
    • - To annually increase each member’s capital share from P500 (1997) to P1,000 (beginning 1998 and yearly thereafter).
    • - To increase allocation to Reserve Fund from 10% to 20% for the fiscal year 1998 only to be reviewed thereafter.

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    Mr. Isagani B. Daba was elected as Seventh Chairman of the Board of Directors of XUCCCO.

  • The MANCOM ( Management Committee) was created to oversee the operation of the cooperative. The members of the committee were Isagani B. Daba, Ma. Veronica I. Ortega, Feliciana A. Araneta, Agnes G. Cabizon. For the first time they met and tackled several issues such as: Loan ceiling, Deposit rates and the results of the psychological exam of applicants for XUCCCO Manager in replacement of Aniceta C. Dacup. Out of six applicants, four mustered the preliminary interview and were asked to undergo psychological tests. From the results of the test, three were chosen to undergo the final interview by the Board.